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Down the Coast

After leaving Hatchet Bay yesterday morning we stopped for the night at Governor’s Harbour. Today we sailed a few hours to South Palmetto Point for a short shopping stop and then on to Ten Bay for the night. We had hoped to eat dinner at the Buccaneer Club in Governor’s Harbour but they were closed for renovations until today. Instead we walked to 1648-An Island Restaurant in the swanky French Leave Resort. Our friends, Dawn and Ray, had recommended their pizza and it was indeed delicious. Today we anchored outside a defunct marina at South Palmetto Point so that we could dinghy ashore and walk to Eleuthera Island Farm for some locally grown greens. We had to trudge through a few large puddles in the road to get there but it was worth it. We’ve had a lot of rain lately.  After returning to Breeze On we motored south another few miles to Ten Bay where we were greeted with a rainbow. At sunset we heard the call of a limpkin, sometimes used as an eerie jungle sound effect in films. 

Outside 1648-An Island Restaurant at the French Leave Resort. 

Enjoying the pizza. 

I was admiring their pool. 

Walking to Eleuthera Island Farm. 

Their fresh greens. 

Rainbow at Ten Bay. 
