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Yesterday was another day of wind and a choppy anchorage. It was a bit calmer than the day before but still too choppy for a dinghy ride so we spent another day onboard.  This morning we woke up to a much calmer anchorage and made plans to go for a walk on the beach with friends. By the time we left in the dinghy, though, the wind had shifted and the waves started to build. It was a little challenging getting off of the dinghy onto the ladder at the dock but we all did it without incident. 

The air temperature is about 10° cooler than usual and the humidity is much lower. We normally sleep with all of the hatches open—unless it is raining—but the past few nights we have had the boat all closed up overnight. The cooler temperatures and lower humidity made for a very comfortable walk on the beach. 

Atlantic-side beach on Long Island. 

Walking with friends Marty and Matt from Runaway and Jean from Desiderata II. George is in the middle. 


  1. Hard to believe it’s that cool that you have to close the windows. But sometimes it’s a nice change.


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