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More Snorkeling Photos

Here are the rest of the photos we took while snorkeling at Warderick Wells. 

Stingray partially buried in the sand. You can see part of the head with the eyes on the right and the tail in the left. I stared at this for quite a while before I figured out what it was. 

Stingray’s eyes. 

Sea turtle. 

Sea turtle. 

Caribbean reef shark. Like nurse sharks, they are not usually aggressive toward humans. Phew!

French Angelfish. 

Scrawled filefish. 

Scrawled filefish. They have the ability to change color to match their background. Notice how it looks darker here compared to the previous photo. 

It is much lighter here…

…and here…

…then turns darker again. So interesting. George took these photos and I am glad he did. I saw the fish but didn’t see the changing colors. 
