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Fernandez Bay

Yesterday we went snorkeling around a small rocky island in the middle of the bay which was close enough that we could swim from Breeze On. After we swam back to the boat George decided to check on the anchor. As he was swimming he came very close to a jellyfish and took some great photos.
Later in the day we went for lunch at the small Fernandez Bay Resort. George had a mahi mahi sandwich and I had a salad with mahi mahi. The food was simple but the fish was delicious. 
Today we took the dinghy through Bonefish Creek. We had just about given up on seeing any turtles when we spotted two on our return trip. We were surprised that one swam leisurely beside the dinghy. They normally dart away at a fast speed as soon as we approach. While we traveled through the creek we also looked for bonefish but didn’t see any, although we weren’t quite sure what we were looking for. Bonefishing is a popular sport here in the Bahamas but we don’t know much about it. After we returned to Breeze On we snorkeled around the small rocky island once again. 

Fan coral

The largest parrotfish we have ever seen. 

Blue Tang with French Angelfish, intermediate stage (?)

Jellyfish that was a little too close for comfort. 

Sea turtle. You can see the Breeze On’s mast at the top of the photo. 

More fan coral

Bluehead Wrasse with Foureye Butterflyfish

 Donkey Dung Sea Cucumber

Blue-striped Grunt (center), Stoplight Parrotfish (right)
