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Cat Island

Yesterday we continued a pattern we started at Conception Island. We went snorkeling then took a walk on the beach. George joked that we were in a bit of a rut. Not a bad rut to be in, I’d say. Today we broke out of the rut. Our plan was to run the water maker then raise the anchor and motor the short distance to New Bight then go ashore to run a few errands. By 9:30 George had everything set to run the water maker. When he pulled the cord to start the gas-driven motor, the cord broke. It took several minutes to take the motor apart to even get to the starter assembly. Once he had the assembly out we discovered that the spring had come undone. It took a total of six hours to repair it and get the motor back together. I am grateful that we were able to fix it well enough to get the water maker running. We don’t have a spare spring and we didn’t have a plan B. If the water maker isn’t run at least once a week (or put through a special “pickling” process) the large, expensive filter columns can be ruined. In any case, the problem was solved, at least for now. 

Ready for our walk on the beach. 


Smallmouthed Grunts

Messed up spring. 

Assembly ready to be re-installed into the motor, many hours later. 
