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Cistern Bay

After two nights at the Cistern Bay anchorage in Harbour Island, we have declared it our favorite in this area. It is peaceful and pretty with convenient access to good snorkeling and sea turtles. In addition, the holding is good in large patches of sand. The occasional tour boat kicks up a wake but it is not bothersome. We plan to move farther north today to stage for leaving Harbour Island tomorrow morning. 

Before moving here on Friday we made one more trip to town to visit the Farmers Market. There were just three vendors but they had quite a variety of foods. We bought mango jam, coconut bread, arugula, and a bag of sapodillas. Then we walked to one more tiny grocery store for apples. 

We are anchored near an interesting resort called the Other Side. Guests stay in platform tents or “shacks” but they refer to it as “glamping” and they look to be quite luxurious on the website. Anchored near us was Vanish, an all-electric solar powered motor catamaran made by Silent-Yachts. We saw the same boat when it anchored in Cambridge Creek last fall. We could see the solar panels that cover the entire cabin top. 

We dinghied over to the entrance of a cove and saw numerous sea turtles. A few were curious and swam right up to the dinghy. I suspect they are accustomed to being fed by visitors. 

Sea turtle swimming near Breeze On. 

Cushion Sea Star. Unfortunately it was cloudy when we snorkeled do the photos aren’t great. 

Donkey Dung Sea Cucumber. We saw several of these here. 

Scrawled Filefish. I saw this fish a few minutes before George took this photo. It was swimming over sand and was a much lighter color. 

Queen Angelfish. 

Interesting mollusk. 

Sergeant Majors swarming Bev. I believe the various tour groups that visit this snorkeling spot feed the fish.  The Sergeant Majors swam right up to my face. If they could talk they would be saying “Feed Me! Feed Me!”

Male Sergeant Major. Males become dark blue to purple when courting or guarding eggs. 

Large Nassau grouper. 

Another sea turtle. 



Vanish, a solar powered yacht. 

Same boat in Cambridge Creek last September. George took this photo from our balcony. 


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