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An Adventure

George and I seldom venture from Breeze On after dark but on Saturday night we did something different. Our friends, Jean and Michael, had invited us to go with them to Green Turtle Club for Prime Rib Night. It doesn’t start until 6:30 pm so we had to think about it for a while. In the end we decided we didn’t want to miss the opportunity for a night out with friends, so we went. It required a dinghy ride of a mile and a half each way. On the way over it was a bit choppy and I wasn’t looking forward to going through that chop in the dark on the way back. 
The food was delicious and we had a great time. At 9 pm we started back in the dark. George had installed the navigation lights on the dinghy so if there were other boats in our vicinity, they would see us. I held a flashlight so we could see obstructions like mooring balls or pilings. I had recorded a track on my phone on the way over and we followed it on our way back. Fortunately, the wind had calmed down so it wasn’t as choppy on the return trip. It is a good thing, too, because I had to hold onto the flashlight, my phone, and the dinghy all at the same time. 
Earlier in the day we went for a walk through town with Jean and Michael, then later George and I walked down to a gorgeous beach. Yesterday was my birthday and we celebrated with Jean and Michael by going out to eat at McIntosh’s for an early dinner and enjoying some frosted brownies that Jean baked for me. It was a very good day. 

The variations in the color of the water are beautiful in Gilliam Bay. 

Along the way we saw quite a few dead trees that must have been killed by Hurricane Dorian. 


  1. Happy Birthday Bev! Sounds like it was a good one! ❤️🥳

    1. Thank you! It was indeed a very good one.

  2. Happy birthday, Bev!!!!!🎈🎂 so glad you had a fabulous day and night!!!

    1. Thank you! I did have a very good birthday.


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