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Wild Orchids Restaurant

One of the reasons we will have stayed so long in Rock Sound—in addition to the good holding and wind protection—is that Wild Orchids Restaurant will be serving a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. We have been to Rock Sound many times but have never had a meal at Wild Orchids. We have already made our reservation for Thanksgiving Day but we decided to also go there for lunch today. They have a new and very nice dinghy dock. It is low to the water and has ladders on both sides. The low to the water part is nice so we don’t have to climb several feet up a ladder to get to the dock. The ladders on both sides are good because we always want to put our dinghy on the downwind side. Today the wind was out of the south so we tied up to the north side of the dock. On Thursday it will be just the opposite. They have a large sign at the end of their dock welcoming boaters and advertising free WiFi, water, and trash disposal. Just the things we cruisers want! Our food today was delicious and the owner, Sybil, is lovely. We will enjoy going back for our Thanksgiving dinner. 

Nice new dock at Wild Orchids and a large sign welcoming boaters. 

This tern was standing guard on a pipe every time we came and went from the dinghy dock. Breeze On is off in the distance. 

The deck of Wild Orchids. 
