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Dinghy Assembled

Today’s chore was assembling and launching the dinghy. While we are offshore we keep our Porta-Bote folded and tied to the rail. Today we carried it up the the foredeck, unfolded it, attached the seats, and lowered it into the water using the spinnaker halyard. George hooked up the gas tank, tied the dinghy anchor to the dinghy, and secured the oars and PFD’s. We don’t need to use the dinghy just yet so we attached it to the arm of the arch and pulled it up to keep it secure. After we finished that chore we went for a walk in a neighborhood we hadn’t seen before. It is cooler today (75°  today instead of the usual 80°) with a brisk west wind. 

Dinghy is assembled and almost ready to be lowered over the side. The brisk wind made it a bit challenging. 

We saw lots of coconut palms during our walk. 

Spanish Wells is a fishing village. We see a lot of these boats throughout the town. 
