We enjoyed our visit to the Spanish Wells museum. We learned a lot about the history of the Bahamas as well as more recent history of Spanish Wells. We found the information about their successful fishing industry, catching crawfish (spiny lobsters), especially interesting. If you eat lobster in Red Lobster it most likely came from here. The crew are all equal owners of their fishing boat and share revenues and expenses equally. If someone retires he puts his share up for sale. If someone is interested in buying it the rest of the crew/owners vote on it. Jean told us a lot of the local businesses are co-owned in a similar way. I forgot to take a photo of one of the fishing boats but I fond one online. They are mostly boats that were former shrimpers. The outriggers aren’t used for nets anymore when catching lobsters. 
After the museum visit Jean and Tom gave us a ride to the Food Fair grocery store in their golf cart. Then they gave us a ride back to the dinghy. We really appreciated their kindness. If you visit Spanish Wells look them up at Done Reach cottage. It is near their cat boat, also named Done Reach.
In the afternoon George and I left Spanish Wells and sailed to the western side of Current Cut. Due to very strong currents we are advised to go through the cut 1 3/4 hours after Nassau’s high tide. That would be at 7 am tomorrow morning so we decided to spend the night at anchor near the cut. It is a bit bouncy here but not too bad.
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