We do not have a good weather window for traveling to the Bahamas just yet so we are continuing to hop down the coast. We calculated our departure time from Cape Fear with the goal of getting to Charleston at slack tide. There are swift currents in Charleston harbor and it can make pulling into a slip an even bigger challenge than usual. We had to slow down the last few hours so as not to get there before slack tide. It turned out well and we are safely tucked into our slip at Charleston Harbor Marina. We sailed, then motored, then sailed again over the 26 hours it took to make the trip. 

We took on an extra crew member for a while yesterday. A little yellow bird. It looks very much like the one we had in our cockpit last spring. In fact I think we were in the same place when the bird came and sat in our cockpit. Same bird?!? We had all of the enclosure panels up so there were only a few small places where the bird could enter. Both times it found its way in to the cockpit it landed first on my head. Was it trying to tell me that my hair is like a birds nest? At one point it landed on the steering wheel. I wasn’t quick enough with the camera to get a photo. It eventually got bored with us and moved on. Too bad, I would have loved for it to take my night watch.
This container ship overtook us in the channel. The channel has jetties on both sides so I could only move over so far to get out of its way. A little nerve-wracking. George used his nifty new range finder to determine that the channel was much wide than it appeared with plenty of room for both of us.
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