We made another coastal hop from Charleston to Brunswick, GA, arriving here yesterday morning. The conditions weren’t the worst we have seen but not the best, either. It was pretty rolly the entire trip with waves hitting the port quarter. We were both grateful for the full enclosure - it was cold with winds 15 - 20kt.

George spent the morning replacing our fresh water pump while I did a load of laundry. Our pump has been acting up since last winter. When we run water through the Sea Gull water filter the pump tends to shut off after about 15 seconds. If we let the pump rest for a minute it starts working again. We were just letting it limp along but the other day it began to shut off when we ran water through the galley tap. Since this was a new devopment we decided it was time to replace the pump before it shuts down for good at a really unconvenient time. George replaced it with a spare pump we have had on board. Fortunately, Jabsco & Hanse made it very easy. George didn’t even have to empty the water tank. The hose connecting the tank to the pump was long enough that he could quickly lift it up above the level of the water in the tank. Way back in 2014, when we were making our delivery trip from NY to Maryland, one of the fresh water hoses in the forward head became disconnected. As we were motoring down the East River the pump was emptying all of our 80 gallons of water into the bilge. The pump had to work pretty hard and long to do that. It has been noisy since then. I think we are going to be happy with the new pump.
We are tentatively planning to leave here tomorrow afternoon and head for the Bahamas. We are waiting for more weather information from Chris Parker before we make the decision. If we don’t do that we will most likely make another coastal hop in a few days. If we go to the Bahamas from here is should take about 3 days.
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