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Leaving Beaufort

We are preparing to leave Beaufort in a few hours and sail toward the Chesapeake Bay. Our plan is to time the departure from Beaufort when the wind gusts die down and arrive at Cape Hatteras before the wind picks up again. We generally prefer to leave in the morning and make the most of daylight hours but that won’t work with the current wind forecast. We expect it to take us about 35 hours to reach the Chesapeake Bay. From there we will either press on another 20 hours to home or sail partway, anchor somewhere, then finish the trip on Wednesday. Our decision will depend on how tired we feel. It was 43° outside when we got up this morning and 58° inside the boat. Today is the first day we have felt cold and used our Little Buddy propane heater since we left home last fall. Not too bad. 
