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Staying on Board

It has been windy and choppy here so we have not been making many trips to shore. Yesterday we decided to venture in to dump trash and eat at Sou’ Side. Just as we were getting ready to take off in the dinghy a large wave came from behind and splashed both of us. Then, as we were 3/4 of the way to shore, George noticed we had forgotten to bring the dry bag containing our money. Rather than return to Breeze On and risk getting splashed again we went to shore, dumped our trash, and went for a walk, then returned to Breeze On for dinner. As we were eating dinner we were entertained by a windsurfer from a neighboring boat zipping back and forth. He was going fast!
Since we have been spending so much on board we dug out the rest of the insulation material and put some between the oven and the fridge. While baking cookies the other day I noticed the temperature in the fridge had gone up by about 10 degrees and the frost had started to melt. Our oven is so poorly insulated I can burn my hand on the outside of the door. No wonder the fridge warms up when I use the oven. We also tried to temporarily put insulation material between the stove and the counter while I was using the stove. While I was making soup, though, the insulation material started to melt. I removed the insulation and put my double-layer cookie sheet there to block some of the heat. I should mention that the addition layer of insulation that we added on top of the fridge has made a difference. 

This guy was moving fast!

More attempts to reduce the frost in the fridge. Insulation between the oven and the fridge. Temporary insulation between the stove and the counter which started to melt when I used the burner on the left. 
