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So We Wanted Some Cell Service

Yesterday morning we motored from Black Point to an anchorage known as the Decca Station, a short distance north of Staniel Cay. On the way we made a brief stop at Staniel Cay for fuel. After purchasing three jerry cans of fuel we returned to Breeze On and began to raise the dinghy. The shackle holding the cleat for the line we use to raise and lower the dinghy gave way and it took a few minutes for George to replace the shackle so we could raise the dinghy and continue on our way. Although we weren’t quite into the Exuma Land and Sea Park—where they have no cell towers—we were apparently far enough away from any cell towers to lack adequate service. The only way we were able to get any service at all was to put the MyIsland WiFi device in a bag, attach it to a halyard, and raise it up the mast. We decided to leave the Decca Station anchorage this morning and continue north to Highbourne Cay where there is a cellphone tower. We are starting to plan for our crossing to FL and we want cell service in order to to get weather forecasts that will help us make decisions. 
Our trip today started with very light wind, then a stretch with ideal wind at around 15 knots. The wind increased to 17-18 knots and we added a reef to the mainsail. By the time we had to turn more into the wind the wind speed increased to over 20 knots. We were bashing into ever larger waves, we added another reef to the sail, and eventually turned the motor on to keep us moving above four knots. We were quite happy to finally arrive at Highbourne Cay and anchor right in front of the cellphone tower. George happened to find the parts of the shackle that gave way. The parts had flown from the starboard to the port side of the boat and the shade curtain had apparently kept them from going overboard.

Cellphone tower at Highbourne Cay.

Bent shackle. It should be in the shape of a “U”. The straight piece screws into the other end of the bent piece. 

Cleat with replacement shackle. 
