I am sitting by the pool of the Bluff House Marina on Green Turtle Cay while I wait for my laundry to dry. Not a bad way to do laundry. Although it hasn’t been long since we last did laundry in Beaufort we accumulated quite a bit. We have the long underwear and layers of winter clothes that we were wearing when we started out on our passage from Beaufort. We also have the sheets that we use while sleeping in the saloon during a passage. While I am doing laundry George is washing the salt off of the boat and the enclosure panels. After they dry we will put them away until we leave for home in the Spring. 
We had a very peaceful night at anchor last night near No Name Cay, right next to Green Turtle Cay. No Name Cay has its own pig beach, although the pigs seem much less aggressive and there are fewer tour boats visiting compared to Big Major’s in the Exumas. Given how George felt about the pigs at Big Major’s we didn’t bother to go ashore at No Name Cay. We had a nice 10 hours of sleep but we both still feel sleep deprived. Maybe we will feel more normal in a couple of days.
George changed the reef lines on the main sail this morning and we sailed the short distance to Green Turtle Cay. Breeze On came with two reef lines. It was my idea to add a third reef point to serve as a storm sail when we were talking about sailing offshore. A sailmaker added the third reef point on the sail two years ago. The way our reefing system works, though, is that we can have just two reef lines at a time. So, before we go offshore George changes reef line number one to the third reef line point. Because that line has to go so far up the sail then down again it is a very long line. That is why it was able to go under the boat and get stuck in the prop when it fell off of the deck. We have never used the third reef point and now realize we probably never will. Now that it is changed back to reef point one the extra line remains in the cockpit and can’t fall off of the deck and get caught in the propeller.
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