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Videos 1

 From time to time I record a short video that I would like to include in a blog post. Unfortunately, I could never figure out how to insert one into a post. While spending our winter at home we have worked on several projects—cleaning cupboards, closets, and drawers, as well as digitizing photographs. I recently added figuring out how to upload videos to the blog to our project list. I knew that I could attach YouTube videos to the blog. I didn’t know how to set up a YouTube channel. It turns out to be quite easy. George did the research and uploaded the first video, I uploaded the rest of the videos. I will post the videos in a series here. I will then go back and insert them into the appropriate posts in the archive. As a bonus, it gives George and I a chance to do some virtual sailing while we are stuck at home anxiously awaiting our Covid vaccines.

Sailing on the Choptank 9/16/14. This was our first season with Breeze On.

Heading South, 10/28/16. We had just left home, on our way to Portsmouth, VA before the passage to the Bahamas. 

Life Raft demonstration as part of the ARC Rally, 11/4/16. 

First day at sea on the way to the Bahamas, 11/6/16.

Second day at sea, in the Gulf Stream, 11/7/16.

Laundry day at Spanish Wells, 11/23/16. I learned pretty quickly that I did not like washing and drying laundry on the boat. It was an all-day project. 
