We took the dinghy to shore this morning so that we could walk to Duncan Town, the only town in the Ragged Islands. Duncan Town was devastated by Hurricane Irma in 2017 and was declared uninhabitable. I am not sure how many people are living here now but we saw only one person during our walk around town. We saw numerous goats all over the island and we saw and heard evidence of rebuilding. To get to town we had to cross an airstrip. The road stopped at the airstrip, we walked across, then the road picked up again on the other side - no fence, no barrier. We saw one small plane land yesterday and another one take off today. There is a very large salt pond next to the town and you can see the walls marking off the areas for collecting salt. 
Photo taken from the middle of the airstrip

On the road to Duncan Town, looking back toward the anchorage. Breeze On is on the far left.

Salt pond

Just a few of the many goats

Administration building, missing a roof

Pigeon house

Restaurant now closed. The airplane is a clever touch.
After our walk we put our wetsuits on and dinghied over to the southern end of Little Ragged Island. We wanted to snorkel and also to see if the anchorage might be a possibility for us. The snorkeling was fantastic, several large reefs with numerous varieties of coral and tropical fish. The coral seemed healthier with brighter colors than in other places we have seen. The anchorage was beautiful but looked like it might be a little rolly. As you know by now if you have been following the blog, we don’t like a rolly anchorage so we opted to stay where we are.
Photo taken from the middle of the airstrip
On the road to Duncan Town, looking back toward the anchorage. Breeze On is on the far left.
Salt pond
Just a few of the many goats
Administration building, missing a roof
Pigeon house
Restaurant now closed. The airplane is a clever touch.
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