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One Month

A month ago today we left home. In some ways it seems as if it wasn't that long ago and in others it seems as if we have been gone a very long time. The first few weeks after we left Portsmouth were challenging for me. I felt out of my element and unprepared. I also felt vulnerable and exposed because I couldn't easily go home. Now I feel as if I am getting into the rhythm of living on a boat and being in the Bahamas. George and I spend a fair amount of time each day getting weather reports, studying them, reading cruising guides and looking at charts. We discuss where we might visit next, when we will go there and how long we might stay. And, of course, we are open to changing our minds if necessary.
I love the warm temperatures here and the beautiful water. I love being able to sail and swim, even though it is the end of November! I have a feeling that when it is time to head for home in four months I will think the time went by so fast.
